LTD "IRIS-2009"
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- LTD "IRIS-2009"
Description of the company
The company LTD "IRIS-2009" has been a participant in the Ukrainian renewable energy marke since 2016 as an independent producer of electricity from renewable energy sources (RES). The company manages 1 solar power plant (rooftop) in the Zhytomyrska oblast, with capacity of 0.05 MW, commissioned in 2015.
The electricity produced by LTD "IRIS-2009" is purchased by the Guaranteed Buyer at a feed-in tariff. In 2020 the company's power plant produced 0.04 million kWh of "green" electricity.
Full company name
Incorporation date
License date
Contact details
Authorized person
- Matviychuk Oleksandr Vasylovych
- 90%Matviychuk Oleksandr Vasylovych
- 10%Matviychuk Iryna Mykhaylivna
Additional information
In a paid subscription, you can additionally find answers to the following questions:
- What phone and email for contacts with LTD "IRIS-2009"?
- What group of companies does the LTD "IRIS-2009" belong to?
- Who are the beneficial owners of LTD "IRIS-2009"?
- Which RES assets belongs to LTD "IRIS-2009"?
- What renewable energy projects are in development with LTD "IRIS-2009"?
- What is the total capacity of renewable energy assets of LTD "IRIS-2009"?
- What is the cumulative annual and monthly generation of LTD "IRIS-2009"?
- What project designers does it work with LTD "IRIS-2009" work with?
- What general contractors does it work with LTD "IRIS-2009" work with?
- Which manufacturers' equipment is used by LTD "IRIS-2009"?
In addition, with a paid subscription, you can familiarize yourself with the available permits for LTD "IRIS-2009"
- Land allocation documentationLTD "IRIS-2009"
- Construction permits and declarative documentationLTD "IRIS-2009"
- Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) DocumentsLTD "IRIS-2009"
- Feed-In-Tariff Setting DocumentsLTD "IRIS-2009"
The presented list reflects the directions in which information on companies is collected. On the LTD "IRIS-2009" some of this information may not yet be available, however, work is underway to collect the missing information and expand the amount of information provided to customers of a subscription.
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